Alternative Cancer Treatment News

Cancer treatment news, articles and information

SHOCK STUDY: Chemotherapy can backfire, make cancer worse by triggering tumor growth.

Daily News, August 2012 

Long considered the most effective cancer-fighting treatment, chemotherapy may actually make cancer worse, according to a new study.

The extremely aggressive therapy, which kills both cancerous and healthy cells indiscriminately, can cause healthy cells to secrete a protein that sustains tumor growth and resistance to further treatment.

Researchers in the USA made the 'completely unexpected" finding while seeking to explain why cancer cells are so resistant inside the human body when they are so easy to kill in the lab.

They tested the effects of a type of chemotherapy on tissue collected from men with prostate cancer and found evidence of DNA damage in healthy cells after treatment, the scientist wrote in Natural Medicine. Chemotherapy works by inhibiting reproduction of fast-dividing cells such as those found in tumors.

The scientist found that healthy cells damaged by chemotherapy secreted more of a protein called WNT16B which boosts cancer cell survival. "The increase is WNT16B was completely unexpected," study co-author Peter Nelson of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle told AFP.

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Detoxification Tips for Cancer Patients

TrampolineFor patients who’ve undergone chemotherapy, or for anyone who would like to cleanse their body, there are some simple things you can do at home.  

First, drink lots of pure mountain spring water – the higher the source, the better.  Do not drink distilled water – distilled water is ‘dead’ water – all of the health-giving minerals have been removed.  Avoid caffeine, soft drinks, tap water, hard liquors, frozen drinks and fruit juice (which is concentrated sugar). 

Gently bouncing on a rebounder – a small trampoline – is another way to increase your circulation and stimulate your lymph system to flush toxins from the body.  Just bounce lightly – the balls of your feet never have to leave the surface of the rebounder.  Start with just a few minutes, and work up to 15 minutes a day. 

Also, try to get at least 15 minutes or outdoor exercise a day – exercising in the fresh air can reduce stress and increase circulation of the blood and lymph. 

Another great de-stressor is laughter.  Keep a positive attitude.  Be kind.  Smile.  Hug.  Believe. 

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